As one Nation
under God, it is essential to preserve our Honor and Integrity by addressing the system of government. We need a clear understanding of how political identities relate to this countries well being.
America is separated
by Democratic and Republican parties. Often referred to as liberal and conservative,
each have their own agenda with issues they support. Both sides have always been
opposed, but after the election in 2000, a strong resentment formed. After 2004,
it evolved into an extreme hatred. People started to despise one another for
being affiliated with opposite parties. Today, this bitterness has reached an
all time high. For example, I recently heard someone say all members of a specific
party should be wiped off this earth. Where's the sense in this type of thinking? Just because someone belongs to a specific party does not guarantee they oppose your
views, nor does it mean they are unworthy of your respect.
It is imperative
to understand, Republicans and Democrats don't always agree with everything their party does.
Those in the other corner might share many of your same beliefs. Basing
whether we like or dislike another on how they vote is a shallow form of reasoning.
Are we not all Americans? Being on different sides does not make us different
people. Neither Democrats nor Republicans hold a monopoly on patriotism. Both parties consist of brave men and women who've given and are willing to give their
lives for this Nation – people allegiant to God and Country, people with the fullest intention of living life with Honor
and Integrity.
It's true we
are separated amongst parties, but we're still all united citizens in the United States.
This showed through when the tragedy of 9/11 occurred. At that time we
weren't considered Republicans or Democrats, only concerned fellow Americans. We
came together and supported each other; we offered a helping hand without thought to what views others held. Our Country rallied around a President whose love for this Nation was measured in the tears he fought off
while hearing of the attack – a man who even his critics agreed was a true leader, exercising profound Integrity. Those lost were Honored with his promise to make the world safe for loved ones left
behind. He wasn't viewed as just a Republican Party President, but everybody's
Our Nation formed
a united front; we developed a common bond of patriotism. People put the American
flag on their cars; they were flown in yards and taped up in windows. A spirit
of good will towards one another was felt by all. It created the type of unity
our Country should always have, the type in which kindness through friendship and love makes us stronger. In Matthew chapter 22, verses 37-39, we're instructed on how to treat one another:
great commandment. 39: And the second is like unto it, THOU SHALT LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF.
The greatest commandment is to love God, and the second is to love your neighbor
as yourself. We must get more serious about being kind to one another. God did not say pick and choose those who you feel are worthy of your love, but was referring to every
fellow human being. This may sound unreasonable.
After all, there are many demented people in this world. We've strayed
in believing they don't deserve a second chance. In the Bible, Saul was given
another opportunity through repentance and became the Apostle Paul. He testifies
to this fact in 1st Timothy chapter 1, verses 15 & 16:
15: This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ
Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am Chief. 16: Howbeit for
this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show forth all long suffering, for a pattern to them which
should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting.
We are to look at Paul's transition from ruthless offender to ordained teacher
as a reminder of God's mercy and grace. This helps us understand how there are
many good people with mixed up ideals.
Respect Those In Charge
The prideful
behavior of belittling one another has become all too common. Some examples include:
the wealthy looking down on the poor, religious people condemning non-believers, and extremists deeming those who believe
in God as old-fashioned. Through self exhalation, they have convinced themselves
they are superior. This kind of conceited behavior results in dissension amongst
Our relation
in politics is of no less guilt. Democrats and Republicans both say the other
party is lying, corrupt and incapable of leadership. This kind of public degradation
makes it hard to embrace elected opponents. We must understand how it is our
duty to support governing officials. This means to Honor the President no matter
which party he resides in. Romans chapter 13, verses 1-2 says this about governing
1: Let every soul be subject unto the higher[governing] powers[authorities]. For there is no power[authority] but of God: The powers that be are ordained[appointed]
of God. 2: Whosoever therefore resisteth the power[authority],
resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation[judgment].
Support and subjection to government is the obligation of all mankind. God has instructed us to respect those in charge; recognizing the commitment they
have made to our Country. The inability to support opposing party leadership
is undermining this Nation’s strength. When I say support, I’m not
talking about changing your values or personal beliefs to go in line with current political leaders, that’s not the
type of support I’m referring to. My goal is to help you understand how
important it is for us to uplift them in prayer. Anyone who doesn’t
pray for our current President and governing officials is not walking in the Lord’s good grace. Some well intentioned Christians even attempt to pray against the opposition. God however, does not acknowledge disrespectful, demeaning or harmful intentioned prayer; He never has and
never will. Is there any Honor in not praying consistently or uprightly for elected
officials just because they aren’t the ones you wanted in office? Would
the pleasure of seeing them fail and telling everyone I told you so benefit our Country in any way whatsoever? The truth is, if we would just exercise Integrity and pray for all of our elected representatives; it would
benefit our Country’s governing system far more than any relinquished or opposing prayer ever could.
Love Thy Neighbor
It is imperative
for our Country to start exercising political Integrity. This means we must learn
to criticize the issue, not the person supporting it. Don't debase one's character
for disagreeing with their policies. The point is, approval of a person's social
status, religious viewpoint or political affiliation is not necessary to show them kindness and respect. It is not right to categorize anyone as a lost cause based on their beliefs. In fact, God has warned us not to judge others. Matthew chapter
7, verses 1-2, is very precise on this:
1: Judge[condemn] not, that ye be not judged. 2: For with what judgment[condemnation]
ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete[use], it shall be measured to you again.
We must not look down on others, deeming them unfit or unworthy. Disliking another's viewpoint does not license us to show contempt.
We must learn to treat one another with loving kindness regardless of our beliefs.
Make No Mistake
Now don't get
me wrong. I'm not saying we should agree with or let immoral behavior run rampant. Nor am I saying unjust political campaigns should be allowed to achieve their tunnel
vision hypocrisies. I am saying, we need to love the individual and not their
nature. Scriptures tell us how a brother offended is harder to be won than a
strong city. Rebuking someone for who they feel they are is not the answer. Disrespecting one another leads to hurt feelings; hurt feelings lead to strife, and
strife leads to chaotic relations. Our Country needs to be united in spirit to
maintain the success we enjoy. This may sound like a fine line to walk, but Matthew
chapter 12, verse 25, tells us how important it is:
25: And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom
divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.
Our Nation's strength is dependent upon cooperation. We must not let different beliefs tear us apart. Being courteous
and kind to others is Honorable. Showing one another respect, regardless of how
much you disagree, is a sign of Integrity. It's hard, but it's what Jesus would
do. It's what He wants and has told you to do.
Making Unbelievers Believe
A true Christian
is obligated to love his or her neighbor, but what about unbelievers who heed not this direction. What makes their standards less right? The answer's simple. The way to know if a decision is of sound character resides on whether it's a choice
of Honor made with Integrity. As I've said before, Defending Integrity is Honorable,
defending stupidity is a waste of time. This statement revolves around making
responsible choices. Nowadays, too many people support negative ideas! By justifying selfish initiatives, they ignore moral and ethical conduct known to be right.
Unbelievers say we must give way to progressive thinking. According
to them, this is how slavery, unequal rights for women and other degrading traditions were banished. I say these wrongs of the past were made right by God's hand through a Christian society! They tell us ten years from now, future Americans will look back and wonder why we questioned abortion,
homosexual marriage and removing God's commandments from our governing system. I
say, if we give in to these ideals, there will not be a worthwhile Country left to look back upon! Many people have been blinded by extreme proposals that sound good in theory. What they have not taken the time to discover is these so-called progressive concepts have severe consequences. Good intentions have been around since the beginning of mankind. It is the failure to discern if the intents are of true goodness where many have gone astray.
Show Them Lovingkindness
So one might
ask how we can prevent this type of moral depravation. The answer is in Matthew
chapter 28, verses 19-20:
19: Go ye therefore, and teach all Nations, baptizing them in the name
of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded
you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Teach people how observing God's commandments will leave you at
peace, free from pain, guilt or other symptoms of sin. Spread the word how choices
made with Honor and Integrity will have a positive outcome on your life. Do this
with loving kindness; attaining one's respect leads to friendship and trust. Don't
talk above or condemn others. Preaching God's message in a high and mighty manner
turns people off, not on. A person who feels judged won't listen, but a person
who feels loved is willing to hear the truth.